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Spinnaker Ward
Spinnaker Ward provides Specialist Inpatient Rehabilitation for patients with complex physical disability excluding new Stroke diagnoses. The unit is primarily commissioned to manage the needs of adults 65 years of age and older, however younger patients [between the ages of 60 – 65 years of age] may also be considered following review by our ward Consultant. 12 beds are step-down beds for patients admitted to the acute hospital. 4 beds are available for step-up from community settings. The ward is situated on St Mary’s Community Health Campus.
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Referral criteria
The service is available to adults who are registered with a Portsmouth City GP.
- Where the referral is the result of deterioration in physical health needs the person must be clinically stable. For community referrals the clients GP will be notified with a request for medical summary and medication list. In the case of all referrals, PRRT will work alongside primary care and the Community Geriatrician to ensure that the health needs of patients are met.
- For transfers of care out of hospital assurance will be sought that the person is clinically stable and discharge ready.
The person must be agreeable to the support or intervention being provided, and in the case of rehabilitation and reablement programmes, be willing to participate in a goal based programme of reablement. Where capacity is impaired then intervention is provided in the ‘best interests’ of the individual in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act.
All referrals should be made through Single Point of Access between the hours of 08.00 hours and 20.00 hours. Referrals received out of those hours are to be notified to the team the next working day.
Full service description
The Portsmouth Rehabilitation and Reablement Team (PRRT) is provided as part of a jointly commissioned single community pathway for assessment, transition, rehabilitation and reablement that includes Spinnaker Ward, the Victory and Grove Units and the Locality Health and Social Care Community Teams, supporting the transition from illness to recovery in older people by delivering a spectrum of time limited assessment, stabilisation and treatment, as well as rehabilitation and reassessment through an integrated health and social care model.
PRRT supports admission avoidance and timely discharge from hospital for people with a range of health and social care needs. The team provides a rapid community response to enable the immediate care needs of the patient to be assessed and a support plan put in place, after which a range of specialist assessments including nursing, social care, physiotherapy and occupational therapy may be carried out to support the development of a multidisciplinary care plan for the patient.
Other information & documentation
The service is provided 07.00 – 22.00 hours over seven days
Single Point of Access Telephone Number: 0300 300 2011
PRRT Telephone Number 023 92 684961
Special Notice
Our visiting hours are:
2pm-4pm and 6pm-8pm, Monday - Sunday.