What we spend and how we spend it
Financial information relating to projected or actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.
Our Annual reports contain information on the Trust's expenditure and full accounts.
Solent NHS Trust will advertise its tenders in accordance with the EU Public Contracts Regulations which states that Goods and Services contracts worth over £106,047, Works Contracts over £4,104,394 and for light touch regime contracts (also known as Annex XIV contracts) worth over £589,148 (thresholds are net of VAT) be advertised through the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).
The exception would be where the Trust has made use of existing EU Compliant Framework Agreements either individually or through collaboration with other Authorities.
Background information relating to the tenders sought and awarded by the Trust will be included in this publication. Items not included will be those where a commercial issue or issue of confidentiality is involved.
Our financial accountancy services, including accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll are provided to the Trust by:
NHS Business Services Authority
Phoenix House
Topcliffe Lane
West Yorkshire
*All other financial accountancy services are provided internally
Publication of spend over £25,000
As part of the Government’s commitment on Transparency, HM Treasury has issued guidance on the Publication of Spend Over £25,000 by central government departments. All NHS bodies are required to publish spend over £25,000 in a prescribed format.
Files will be uploaded to the website on a monthly basis detailing spend over £25,000
Statement from CEO about the Bribery Act 2010
Click here to read statement from CEO about the Bribery Act 2010